RootPain's Commentary
Wow, look at how many girls I can score!
I'm such a badass!
But oops! My other hot babe is kinda jealous of me
It's good this happened befored our marriage, haha!
Wait, was I supposed to talk about the art?
Oh yeah, I forgot about that.
Well, this one is very silly and simple, but always, it's pretty cool!
I specially like Mokkori because she's a hot alien babe and I love alien girls
Also the fact that my character gets bitches makes me feel less bad about
me not having any in reality (self ownage)
But that's about it for now
I'll try and post the rest of the fanart as soon as I can
So I apologize if I don't elaborate much on these newer descriptions
But I do love and cherish them all
I'll see you when the time comes!
Getting Sexier
June S. Sai